Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Biggest Loser (No, I'm not mad at my sisters or their husbands!)

I am here and blogging (Tobe will be so happy!) While I had hoped to start blogging by introducing myself, I have found if I have ten minutes to blog, I'd rather sleep (sorry Tobe).  So here it is....
Who watched the finale last night?

My family and I are HUGE fans.  We watch and or record every episode, I have Jillian's many DVD systems as well as Biggest Loser for the Wii, we love it!
My family and I are planning a vacation to Jersey Shore this summer and I am in no shape to wear a bikini (not that I would wear one if I was in shape, I just like to feel sorry for myself). I do not struggle to lose weight, that's the easy part, it's keeping it OFF that I have a problem with. These last 15 pounds seem like a piece of cake, speaking of cake... That sounds delicious!!! For me, I still have not got back in shape since the baby.
Speaking of babies, it was actually him last night that made me realize I need to get my bum in shape. As I was cuddling with him in our chair last night, watching the finale of course, I was telling my "baby" how much I loved him and how happy he makes me to be his Mommy. It was then that he said,"Mom, I am NOT a baby, I am ten years old!" Where did the time go? Wasn't I just changing his diaper? UGH!!!
So, I'm NOT afraid anymore. This is me, this is NOT who I want to be and I AM READY TO MAKE A CHANGE! OK, that was the easy part, now the challenge. As you can all see, I don't have time to blog much less go to a gym. I work 40 hours a week, my son is currently playing on three, hello? I said THREE baseball teams, my daughter Sofia plays club volleyball and Chloe is 16, enough said (she does cheer but I find I get more sympathy if I just say she's 16). I haven't had a free weekend since, well I don't even remember when the last time was. I try to take "me" time but that is when my son hits a grand slam and wins the baseball game or Chloe throws her double tuck your the worst mom in the world round off. See the dilemma?
I did do boot camp just before my wedding two years ago, the best thing to happen to me. It worked (remember I said I can lose the wait, just can't keep it off)! I need someone in my face, I need someone to call me on the phone and force me to get my tookus out of bed, I do not have the will power to make it on my own. I'm looking for ideas to get a good work out at home? Anyone in my area get together to work out at the park? How do I get my kids involved (when they aren't busy at sports?)
Maybe I should start a local club for working woman with busy kids. More so for local support to get us out there, I know I'm not alone on this one.
I will begin this weight loss journey this weekend, I will blog about my progress (I probably won't but at least Tobe will be happy that I'm saying it) and I will include great strategies, what's NOT working and let you all know where I'm at with my journey. Now because I want to be serious about losing weight, I will also include where I am now with my weight and TRY to record weekly how much I've lost.  Remember, any advice and/or comments are much appreciated.
Your soon to be skinny friend/sister,

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