Monday, October 31, 2011

Introducing...The Amazing Chia Seed!

I wanted to give you some great information about the "new superfood," Chia seeds.  Yes, the chia seeds are the same seeds that you use for chia pets, but what no one ever told us was that these tiny seeds are packed with nutrients that promote digestion.  Chia seeds are muscle, tissue and endurance builders, which is great news for people who exercise and perform endurance sports.  Pregnant and lactating women and their babies benefit from chia seeds.  High cholesterol?  Chia seeds may be your answer.  Dieting?  Hello, chia seeds.  Plus, other added useful things that chia seeds can perform!

Chia seeds are a rich vegetable source for omega 3 fatty acids, along with omega 6.  Each seed is packed with vitamins A, D, E and K.  Linoleic acid, which the body can not manufacture on it own can be found in the chia seeds.  This important acid assists the transport of oxygen through the blood stream to cells, tissues and organs.  Chia seeds are also beneficial for normal glandular activation, especial for adrenal and thyroid glands,

Chia seeds are hydropholic, meaning that you soak a teaspoon of chia seeds in a cup of water for 30 minutes up to overnight and a gel is created for you to consume.  The seeds have no flavor and their consistency when soaked are like tomato seeds, tiny seeds surrounded by gelatin.  When consumed, scientist's believe (and so do I) that a barrier is formed in the stomach, slowing the conversion of carbs into sugar, stabilizing the metabolic changes of carbs can promote endurance.  It also promotes a healthy digestive system, creating a better digestive environment for persons with IBS.  Others that suffer from autoimmune, especial related to inflammation benefit from chia seeds anti-inflammatory properties.  They are also a great anti-oxidant, beneficial for fighting off cancer.

Hydropholic chia seeds are a source of protein which is absorbed easily, proving to be a muscle and tissue builder.  It also is beneficial to pregnant and lactating mother's, assisting the building of muscle and tissue in the baby and has healing efforts for the mother.  Chia is an excellent source of folic acid with is essential for a mother-to-be during her pregnancy.  It is suggested by some that folic acid should be consumed by a women during the time she is trying to conceive to insure a healthy baby from the moment of conception.

Chia seeds are rich in triglycerides, lower your bad cholesterol numbers in addition to raising your good cholesterol numbers.  The seeds are also rich in fiber, promoting a full, satisfied feeling so that hunger is less an issue and it may be easier to diet.

Eye infection? A seed or two in the eye has been known to cure the infection.  A poultice of chia seeds on an inflamed or infected wound has great healing powers.

So after researching the health benefits of chia seeds, I began taking them about a week ago.  I soak the seeds overnight and adopted the Mexican and Persian method of squeezing a little lemon juice over it and then drinking a cup twice daily.  I will tell you that I noticed a difference the following day.  I felt rested, energized, my normal bluesy feeling was not as noticeable and I slept well.  I am hooked!  I continue to drink the juice twice a day and I am back exercising and I feel about an inch taller.  These seeds can be found in middle east markets and whole food stores like Sprouts ($7.99 lb. at Sprouts which is a decent price).

Don't just take my word for it, do your own research.  Try a couple of spoons of the seeds soaked overnight for only a couple of days, it is an inexpensive experiment and I expect you will like the results.  I have to thank my friends Amy Austin and Moira Beitz, because without their advice, I may have never found these precious seeds!

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